Podcast Interviews

Marissa Ortiz- Founder of BeU Nonprofit Co and W.I.N.E. w/ MO

Marissa Ortiz, Founder of BeU Nonprofit Company and W.I.N.E. w/MO

Listen to my inspirational conversation with Marissa Ortiz of W.I.N.E (Women who Inspire, Network, & Execute!) and BeU Non-profit Company on Hodge Podge Podcast HERE!

Fayetteville, NC-

Marissa Ortiz is a force of light and hope for women and children. After growing up during her adolescent years in group homes and the foster care system, Marissa has achieved greatness and lends a helping hand to all in her path.

W.I.N.E. w/Mo inspires women all over the world to achieve anything that their heart desires by simply being themselves.

“We as women take on many battles within, but we continue to stand strong with little recognition and limited credit for our uniqueness. Spirituality, health, self-development, family, and wealth are the keys to a successful life mentally, physically, and emotionally.

With the many trials and tribulations that I have faced and overcome in my life, I wanted to create a movement for women that have experienced the same. My movement will help in motivating others to be the best versions of themselves, feeding their minds to trigger the greater within, and by giving them the most valuable resource that humans can have, knowledge of self-development.

From group home to foster care, from poverty and not being accepted by my own family, I stand for the women that are strong during weak times, but continue to fight for a better tomorrow. I will do just as the mission says; inspire, network, and execute together!” -Marissa Ortiz

BeU Nonprofit Company

BeU is a non-profit organization founded in 2019 by Marissa Ortiz and Amir Patterson, known by stage name DaRealAP . BeU focuses to inspire, motivate, and educate youth to believe they can achieve anything they desire by simply being themselves while making the right choices and taking the right steps to achieve whatever they desire in life.

Follow Marissa on Social Media:

W.I.N.E Website: http://www. winewithmo.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/W.I.N.ETWMO

Instagram: @winetalk4you

Twitter: @winetalk4you

BeU Nonprofit Instagram: @beunonprofitcompany

BeU Nonprofit Website: tinyurl.com/beunonprofit

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