Podcast Interviews

Marissa Ortiz- Founder of BeU Nonprofit Co and W.I.N.E. w/ MO

Marissa Ortiz is a force of light and hope for women and children. After growing up during her adolescent years in group homes and the foster care system, Marissa has achieved greatness and lends a helping hand to all in her path.

Books, Lifestyle, Writing, Podcasting, Military Life, Inspirtation, North Carolina, Military Community, travel, Uncategorized

Sunday Brunch and Shopping Downtown Fayetteville, NC

Sunny ☀️ Sunday afternoons call for much needed time with the greatest of friends. Slowing down the pace to prepare for the week ahead through hilarious chatter, eating delicious food, taking in the sights— and a bit of local retail therapy 🛍 on the side. This is exactly what my Sunday looked like and it was the best medicine this gal could ask for! Some dearest friends and I gathered Downtown Fayetteville, North Carolina for a ladies day out and brunch at the beloved Blue Moon Cafe 🌚 where we were treated to the tastiest delicacies and beverages.