Children's Book Review

Children’s Book Review- Designed to Shine! Volume Two

Joy Resor has published a second book in her award-winning Designed to Shine series. Her newest debut is a lovely rhyme-filled book perfect for little readers and the young at heart!

Children's Book Review, Military Community, Podcast

Donetta Gray Wilson debuts “Big God! Big Dreams! Dreams of a Dancer”

Donetta Gray Wilson has created a beautiful book to inspire young readers to go after their dreams! BIG GOD! BIG Dreams! provides hope, encouragement, and inspiration to young readers to dream big. The precious main character and little ballerina, Anna along with her friends, explore their BIG DREAMS and use their faith to achieve each God-given dream.


Punam V. Saxena- Parent Power: Navigate School and Beyond

Listen to my inspirational conversation with the author of Parent Power: Navigate School and Beyond, Punam V. Saxena, M.Ed. Parent Impact Coach on Hodge Podge Podcast HERE!

Podcast Interviews

Marissa Ortiz- Founder of BeU Nonprofit Co and W.I.N.E. w/ MO

Marissa Ortiz is a force of light and hope for women and children. After growing up during her adolescent years in group homes and the foster care system, Marissa has achieved greatness and lends a helping hand to all in her path.

Lifestyle, Writing, Podcasting, Military Life, Inspirtation, North Carolina

Hire Me to Tell Your Story!

Have you always wanted to write a book, but are unsure of where to start? Perhaps you do not have the extra time to invest in hours of writing and editing your story? If this sounds familiar, hiring a ghostwriter to tell your tale might be the perfect fit.

Lifestyle, Writing, Podcasting, Military Life, Inspirtation, North Carolina

Things Will Get Worse (before things will get better)

I remember vividly when 9-11 happened. I— along with my brother and father— watched the second plane fly straight into the stately World Trade Center. We stood in front of my parent’s television in our former home in Washington, North Carolina, mouths agape. Later that evening as news reports and images of a war scene on the streets of New York City unfolded, I remember feeling as scared and helpless as I’d ever felt. I remember thinking that life could not possibly become worse here in the USA. Our pride and freedoms had been assaulted at home… on our soil. So many precious lives lost. Then I became an Army girlfriend then wife, and survived the stressors of my husband’s deployments to Afghanistan. Once, I heard a bomb explode during a phone call he made to me from a firebase in the middle of Afghanistan. The call suddenly disconnected. I became hysterical. I thought, “things could not get worse.” Years later, mass shootings began to happen here in the US regularly. We almost became numb to the monthly, weekly tragedies. I once again thought it could not possibly get worse. Especially, the evening the news broke of young children murdered in a school in Connecticut (Sandy Hook Elementary)— as I held my three-month-old son in my arms. And now, here we are in the year 2020.

Lifestyle, Writing, Podcasting, Military Life, Inspirtation, North Carolina

Author and Speaker, Diane Scabilloni, Helps Children and Adults Shed Doubt— Find Hope through Faith

Diane Scabilloni is a self-described Divine Encourager— facilitator and speaker for youth groups, schools, churches, women's groups and small groups— who shares personal stories of her spiritual journey with the objective of providing participants with tools for a more connected, peaceful and fulfilling life.

Lifestyle, Writing, Podcasting, Military Life, Inspirtation, North Carolina

Veteran Voices: Reckoning Online Event TODAY!

Warrior cultures of the past such as the Greeks, Romans, and Native Americans welcomed their military home in rituals of storytelling. Following in that tradition, Poetic Theater’s Veteran Voicesprogram seeks to revive these practices through creating an environment for veterans to share their stories, helping them to express those stories in a way that informs others, helping them recognize that their experiences do not define them and that they are universal and part of a long line of experiences from warriors throughout history and, to help them become comfortable sharing these works with others in an intimate but public setting.”

Lifestyle, Writing, Podcasting, Military Life, Inspirtation, North Carolina

Children’s Book Review: Father Sun and Mother Earth Create Life by Tools of the Heart

Tools of the Heart book series aims to support children’s emotional and social development through self-care tools and skills. Father Sun and Mother Earth Create Life — the first title of the height book series — is a gorgeous tale of LIFE told from the perspective of Father Sun and Mother Earth. The reader is taken on a lovely journey from creation to navigating life’s demands in order to find balance, calm and well-being.

Lifestyle, Writing, Podcasting, Military Life, Inspirtation, North Carolina

Alison Klakowicz— Under The Covers @Charlotte Readers Podcast

Checkout my recent interview with novelist and podcaster Landis Wade on Charlotte Readers Podcast— which gives voice to authors and writers to provide them the opportunity to read, and talk about their literary works.