Podcast Interviews

Natasha Smith: Aspiring Adventurers— from New Zealand and Beyond

Natasha Smith is a well known Fitness and Nutrition identity out of New Zealand and Australia. She is best known as co-founder of Aspiring Adventurers, an online fitness and nutrition platform offering services to clients internationally.

Books, Lifestyle, Writing, Podcasting, Military Life, Inspirtation, North Carolina, small business, The Arts, travel

Debra Williams- Aussie Children’s Book Author, Puppet Maker and Puppeteer Extraordinaire

Debra Williams (formerly Debra Clewer), is an Australian children’s author, with three independently published Middle-Grade novels, and is a seasoned puppeteer and puppet builder. Storytelling and puppeteering have been a part of her life since she was a young child. Debra recalls that when she was a 10-year-old child, she would perform puppet plays in the street for the other neighboring children, from a makeshift theatre made of wooden fruit crates, using Punch and Judy puppets her maternal grandmother bought for her.