Books, Podcast, The Arts

Landis Wade- Retired Trial Attorney Turned Novelist and Charlotte Readers Podcast Host

Landis Wade is a self-described recovering trial lawyer who followed in his late journalist grandfather's footsteps byway of writing to become an award-winning author as well as the creator and host of Charlotte Reader's Podcast. Charlotte Reader's Podcast encourages authors to read and talk about their award-winning, published and emerging works-- and was voted Charlotte's best podcast in 2019. His goal is to use the medium of podcasting to build a community of readers and writers where authors give voice to their written words.

Lifestyle, Writing, Podcasting, Military Life, Inspirtation, North Carolina

Children’s Book Review- Little Fergen’s Fish Feelings (and how he learns to cope with his parents’ divorce) by Charles M. Iker, LCSW, ACSW, BCD

This book is a wonderful resource for any child and/or parent experiencing a major change in their life. It provides clear and wise advice on how to accept those changes as well as how to communicate about your feelings in a positive way. The colorful and sweet illustrations by Ron Bracato provide relatable yet fun images children will learn from and enjoy.

Books, Lifestyle, Writing, Podcasting, Military Life, Inspirtation, North Carolina, small business, The Arts, travel

Debra Williams- Aussie Children’s Book Author, Puppet Maker and Puppeteer Extraordinaire

Debra Williams (formerly Debra Clewer), is an Australian children’s author, with three independently published Middle-Grade novels, and is a seasoned puppeteer and puppet builder. Storytelling and puppeteering have been a part of her life since she was a young child. Debra recalls that when she was a 10-year-old child, she would perform puppet plays in the street for the other neighboring children, from a makeshift theatre made of wooden fruit crates, using Punch and Judy puppets her maternal grandmother bought for her.

Lifestyle, Writing, Podcasting, Military Life, Inspirtation, North Carolina

Small Business Spotlight with Goldy

Fayetteville, NC- This morning I was honored to be highlighted by the Women’s Business Center @CEED Small Business Spotlight on WFNC 640AM News Talk Radio in Fayetteville, NC. It was my debut radio interview and I think it went pretty great! Fayetteville's favorite news talk radio host, Goldy, made me feel very at home… Continue reading Small Business Spotlight with Goldy