Books, wellness

Children’s Book Review- Fluffy and the Rainbow in his Heart by Tools of the Heart

When sadness takes over the mind, we should look for the rainbow within our heart to lead us back to our calm place. Meditation and finding your inner calm are the themes of Fluffy and the Rainbow in his Heart— book two of an endearing children’s picture book series by Tools of the Heart. Mother Earth and Father Sun (from book one of the Tools of the Heart book series) begin to worry when parts of their precious garden become sad. Father Sun makes it his mission to investigate the problem and finds a very sad little squirrel named Fluffy. With love in his heart, Father Sun helps to comfort Fluffy, and teaches him about the rainbow of wisdom in his heart– and how to replace the dark clouds with joy.

Lifestyle, Writing, Podcasting, Military Life, Inspirtation, North Carolina

UK Children’s Book Author Tamsin Wood Teaches Life Lessons Through Fairy Tales

Originally from Jersey in the Channel Islands, Tamsin Wood moved to the UK mainland and began her journey as a children's book author. From a simple bedtime story with two characters based on her children that evolved into an entire cast of fairies, Tamsin was inspired to create Canglford Nock Creations. Her books are born from her love of writing, motherhood and storytelling. To date, Tamsin has authored more than a dozen rhyming fairy story books filled with life lessons that teach children to be "kind, be brave and to be a good friend." Her books also delve into important issues such as loss and developing crucial mental health coping skills as well as seasonal books in celebration of Christmas and Easter.

Military Community, wellness

Memorial Day is a Tough Day for Many

As most people get to enjoy some much needed R&R today on Memorial Day, there are many who are directly impacted by its sentiment. These individuals have lost fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, uncles, aunts, friends and teammates. Survivors have to move forward each year with the guilt, trauma, and sadness which consumes them knowing they are alive and their loved one is not.

Books, Lifestyle, Writing, Podcasting, Military Life, Inspirtation, North Carolina

Children’s Book Review- Something Lost Something Found by Natalia Paruzel-Gibson

Something Lost Something Found by Natalia Paruzel-Gibson is a beautiful story of a little girl, Ella Samantha Bean, who has lost her happiness.