Children's Book Review

Children’s Book Review- Chunck-A-Monk, The Big Black Skunk

According to research performed by author Michael Passafiume, one in five kids report they've been bullied in some fashion. For parents, this statistic can be a daily nightmare in assisting their child process their emotions. Passafiume wanted to create a book to help children accept and appreciate what makes them different from others which is the primary theme in his adorable, newly published children’s picture book: Chunck-A-Monk: The Big Black Skunk.

Lifestyle, Writing, Podcasting, Military Life, Inspirtation, North Carolina

Six Ways You Can Raise Awareness to Prevent Child Abuse

April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month. Each of us plays a vital role in raising awareness about the prevention of child abuse. It is of utmost importance that we each take an active stand to prevent child abuse to build healthier, more loving, whole communities where a child is never forgotten. If ever there was a critical time to promote social wellness and prevention of maltreatment of children, it is now especially due to current world circumstances. Through social-distancing, it may seem even more challenging to help others, but we can still spread the word to create awareness.