Podcast Interviews

Paul Attaway- Author of Blood in the Low Country

Paul Attaway retired from a thirty-year business career in Arizona, and moved across the country to Charleston, South Carolina—back to his Southern roots where he published his debut novel, Blood in the Low Country.

Lifestyle, Writing, Podcasting, Military Life, Inspirtation, North Carolina


The Official Website of Alison Paul Klakowicz, author of Mommy's Big, Red Monster Truck (produced through FriesenPress). — Read on http://www.alisonpaulklakowicz.com/

Lifestyle, Writing, Podcasting, Military Life, Inspirtation, North Carolina

Hire Me to Tell Your Story!

Have you always wanted to write a book, but are unsure of where to start? Perhaps you do not have the extra time to invest in hours of writing and editing your story? If this sounds familiar, hiring a ghostwriter to tell your tale might be the perfect fit.

Lifestyle, Writing, Podcasting, Military Life, Inspirtation, North Carolina

Author and Speaker, Diane Scabilloni, Helps Children and Adults Shed Doubt— Find Hope through Faith

Diane Scabilloni is a self-described Divine Encourager— facilitator and speaker for youth groups, schools, churches, women's groups and small groups— who shares personal stories of her spiritual journey with the objective of providing participants with tools for a more connected, peaceful and fulfilling life.

Lifestyle, Writing, Podcasting, Military Life, Inspirtation, North Carolina

Veteran Voices: Reckoning Online Event TODAY!

Warrior cultures of the past such as the Greeks, Romans, and Native Americans welcomed their military home in rituals of storytelling. Following in that tradition, Poetic Theater’s Veteran Voicesprogram seeks to revive these practices through creating an environment for veterans to share their stories, helping them to express those stories in a way that informs others, helping them recognize that their experiences do not define them and that they are universal and part of a long line of experiences from warriors throughout history and, to help them become comfortable sharing these works with others in an intimate but public setting.”

Lifestyle, Writing, Podcasting, Military Life, Inspirtation, North Carolina

Children’s Book Review: Father Sun and Mother Earth Create Life by Tools of the Heart

Tools of the Heart book series aims to support children’s emotional and social development through self-care tools and skills. Father Sun and Mother Earth Create Life — the first title of the height book series — is a gorgeous tale of LIFE told from the perspective of Father Sun and Mother Earth. The reader is taken on a lovely journey from creation to navigating life’s demands in order to find balance, calm and well-being.

Lifestyle, Writing, Podcasting, Military Life, Inspirtation, North Carolina

Alison Klakowicz— Under The Covers @Charlotte Readers Podcast

Checkout my recent interview with novelist and podcaster Landis Wade on Charlotte Readers Podcast— which gives voice to authors and writers to provide them the opportunity to read, and talk about their literary works.

Lifestyle, Writing, Podcasting, Military Life, Inspirtation, North Carolina

Porch Talk: Three Friends Talk “Coping” During #PANDEMIC (while raising children/pregnancy)

I recently had the chance to porch sit with my bestie neighbor, Miranda Crosby and our mutual friend Danica Thomas, to talk about the ups and downs we’ve experienced throughout the Covid-19 pandemic— and how we have coped with the changes in our lives. We brought our unique perspectives, backgrounds, personalities, quirks to the microphone 🎙 to chat candidly about this strange time in life that has turned the world 🌎 upside down. Miranda— an Army spouse whose husband deployed overseas in January— is pregnant with their first child all while wading through these new socially distant waters sans her husband. Danica— a widowed Army spouse, is a military suicide awareness and prevention advocate raising two young daughters as a single parent while working and virtually homeschooling her daughters all on her own. Alison (me)— an Army spouse, children’s book author, writer, podcaster trying to juggle content creation, marketing, writing, book sales while rejoicing as the final week of the school year approaches for her second grader. Thank the LORD.

Lifestyle, Writing, Podcasting, Military Life, Inspirtation, North Carolina

Six Ways You Can Raise Awareness to Prevent Child Abuse

April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month. Each of us plays a vital role in raising awareness about the prevention of child abuse. It is of utmost importance that we each take an active stand to prevent child abuse to build healthier, more loving, whole communities where a child is never forgotten. If ever there was a critical time to promote social wellness and prevention of maltreatment of children, it is now especially due to current world circumstances. Through social-distancing, it may seem even more challenging to help others, but we can still spread the word to create awareness.

Lifestyle, Writing, Podcasting, Military Life, Inspirtation, North Carolina

Melissa Vera- Adventures of Frugal Mom Blog

Melissa Vera is the creator and contributor of four beautiful and informative blogs: Adventures of Frugal Mom, Champagne Style Bare Budget, Reading with Frugal Mom, and her most recent venture coming soon, The Writer and The Farmer.