Children's Book Review

Children’s Book Review- Chunck-A-Monk, The Big Black Skunk

According to research performed by author Michael Passafiume, one in five kids report they've been bullied in some fashion. For parents, this statistic can be a daily nightmare in assisting their child process their emotions. Passafiume wanted to create a book to help children accept and appreciate what makes them different from others which is the primary theme in his adorable, newly published children’s picture book: Chunck-A-Monk: The Big Black Skunk.

Lifestyle, Writing, Podcasting, Military Life, Inspirtation, North Carolina

Children’s Book Review- Little Fergen’s Fish Feelings (and how he learns to cope with his parents’ divorce) by Charles M. Iker, LCSW, ACSW, BCD

This book is a wonderful resource for any child and/or parent experiencing a major change in their life. It provides clear and wise advice on how to accept those changes as well as how to communicate about your feelings in a positive way. The colorful and sweet illustrations by Ron Bracato provide relatable yet fun images children will learn from and enjoy.