Lifestyle, Writing, Podcasting, Military Life, Inspirtation, North Carolina

Things Will Get Worse (before things will get better)

I remember vividly when 9-11 happened. I— along with my brother and father— watched the second plane fly straight into the stately World Trade Center. We stood in front of my parent’s television in our former home in Washington, North Carolina, mouths agape. Later that evening as news reports and images of a war scene on the streets of New York City unfolded, I remember feeling as scared and helpless as I’d ever felt. I remember thinking that life could not possibly become worse here in the USA. Our pride and freedoms had been assaulted at home… on our soil. So many precious lives lost. Then I became an Army girlfriend then wife, and survived the stressors of my husband’s deployments to Afghanistan. Once, I heard a bomb explode during a phone call he made to me from a firebase in the middle of Afghanistan. The call suddenly disconnected. I became hysterical. I thought, “things could not get worse.” Years later, mass shootings began to happen here in the US regularly. We almost became numb to the monthly, weekly tragedies. I once again thought it could not possibly get worse. Especially, the evening the news broke of young children murdered in a school in Connecticut (Sandy Hook Elementary)— as I held my three-month-old son in my arms. And now, here we are in the year 2020.

Lifestyle, Writing, Podcasting, Military Life, Inspirtation, North Carolina

Alison Klakowicz— Under The Covers @Charlotte Readers Podcast

Checkout my recent interview with novelist and podcaster Landis Wade on Charlotte Readers Podcast— which gives voice to authors and writers to provide them the opportunity to read, and talk about their literary works.

Lifestyle, Writing, Podcasting, Military Life, Inspirtation, North Carolina

Six Ways You Can Raise Awareness to Prevent Child Abuse

April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month. Each of us plays a vital role in raising awareness about the prevention of child abuse. It is of utmost importance that we each take an active stand to prevent child abuse to build healthier, more loving, whole communities where a child is never forgotten. If ever there was a critical time to promote social wellness and prevention of maltreatment of children, it is now especially due to current world circumstances. Through social-distancing, it may seem even more challenging to help others, but we can still spread the word to create awareness.

Lifestyle, Writing, Podcasting, Military Life, Inspirtation, North Carolina

Get DETERMINED to drive toward your dreams!

I am so thrilled to be a part of Women's Business Center of Fayetteville at CEED’s Monday Motivation online webinar this coming Monday, April 27, 2020 @10:00am!

Lifestyle, Writing, Podcasting, Military Life, Inspirtation, North Carolina

A Prayer for our Children in Uncertain Times

The past months have been really trying thanks to Covid-19 as well as so many societal issues. Some days it feels as if the world is coming to an end. Like we are all going to be swallowed up whole. But, despite it all, I am inspired by the resilience of humanity. Our ability to adapt and change. To fight for ourselves and what is right. To find the best in the worst of situations. Our real care and concern of others. I know if you turn on the news or read comments on social media, it might paint a different picture. But I believe that most of us want the best for one another. I know, because I see it daily in my community and my inner circle. Tonight, I’m sending out a prayer for all children in the world. A prayer that will cover them in what is good and true. A prayer to guide them to inner peace, love and joy.

Lifestyle, Writing, Podcasting, Military Life, Inspirtation, North Carolina

Jeremy Fiebig- Son of a Preacher Man- Talks Sweet Tea, Shakespeare and Fayetteville, NC

Fayetteville, NC-
Jeremy Fiebig is the son of a preacher man who grew up in Missouri following in his father's footsteps of an inherent love of the performing arts.

Jeremy and I recently spoke on Hodge Podge Podcast about his life devoted to the performing arts.
We talk everything from sweet tea, Shakespeare and life as a theater arts professor at Fayetteville State University.

Lifestyle, Writing, Podcasting, Military Life, Inspirtation, North Carolina

Chatting with Alison Paul Klakowicz – S L Hollister, author

I loved "chatting" with author Sherri Hollister last year about #writingbooks and the #authorlife 📚 Read our interview here 👀 : Chatting with Alison Paul Klakowicz – S L Hollister, author — Read on

Lifestyle, Writing, Podcasting, Military Life, Inspirtation, North Carolina

DIY Half Bath Refurbish on a #Budget

Recently, my husband installed beautiful white bead board in our almost 30-year-old home's half bath. The pristine clean lines of the bead board seemed to emphasize the bathroom's dated imperfections. The multitude of other needed updates stuck out like a sore thumb. I've wanted to do a bathroom remodel for sometime, but if you are… Continue reading DIY Half Bath Refurbish on a #Budget

Lifestyle, Writing, Podcasting, Military Life, Inspirtation, North Carolina

Top 6 Inspirational Women Interviews of 2019

2019 brought me the opportunity to interview some extremely inspirational, intelligent and talented women who came into my life either professionally or personally.
It was such an honor to highlight their stories, and messages of hope. The world is filled with unique individuals that we can all learn from— I certainly benefited from each of the stories these women shared with me.
If you are looking for #inspiration in the #newyear look no further!
Here are the Top 6 Inspirational Interviews on #HodgePodgePodcast:

Lifestyle, Writing, Podcasting, Military Life, Inspirtation, North Carolina

Mommy’s Big, Red Monster Truck Celebrates First Birthday 🎂

One year ago today, Mommy's Big, Red Monster Truck hit the presses!
What was a little dream, became a huge accomplishment.
Over the past year, there have been many firsts... holding my published children's book in my hands for the first time, attending my first bookstore author events, first library events, visiting elementary schools as an official author for the first time, reading my book to children across North Carolina, and the list goes on.
The opportunity to share my children's travel and adventure picture book has been a priceless gift to me.